Tuesday 22 February 2011

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Mission Statement

Binge Britain: Brighton will be aired on a Tuesday on BBC THREE at 9pm. The reason why we are airing are documentary mid week is because are target audience, 16+, are known to be out at the weekends, and this would reduce are potential audience.

Binge Britain: Brighton will be broadcasted on BBC THREE because from our research similar documentaries have been aired on this channel and at similar times to ours. Another reason why we have chosen to broadcast our documentary on this channel is because BBC offer a catch up feature online called BBC IPLAYER. This will allow us to broadcast to a larger audience as they can watch it at a later date if missed on TV.

The reason why we are showing our documentary after the watershed is because it allows us to show more explicit/adult content. This will allow our documentary to be more shocking, giving it a greater impact on the audience.

Binge Britain: Brighton’s purpose is to demonstrate how alcohol affects more than just the consumer. This will involve observing interviews with young people that have abused alcohol, a PCSO and a nurse to see how alcohol has a damaging effect on society.

We will be using cameras, a tripod and editing software to create our documentary.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Initial Ideas

Haunted House
The True Story

The Facts:
The haunted attraction industry generates roughly 300 million pounds in revenue and the amusement park industry another 150 to 200 million pounds.
The industry of haunted houses supports hundreds of other businesses.
Some haunted houses charge as much as £50 while most average around £25 per event.

Possible investigation:
  • Archive footage
  • Interview with paranormal experts
  • Investigate derelict hospice’s and hospitals

Binge Drinking
Does binge drinking have a negative effect on society?

The Facts:
Drinking amongst teenagers is on the up, and binge drinking is linked to anti-social behaviour and the use of other drugs. A recent survey revealed that 27% of 15-16 year olds have had more than three binges in the last month. The survey also revealed that 9% of boys and girls aged between 11-12 years described themselves as regular drinkers.

Possible investigation:
  • Archive footage
  • Interview with police to see how alcohol effects the society
  • Does drug use increase when binge drinking occurs
  • Information on alcohol units
  • Interview with alcohol councillor
  • Does the cheapness of alcohol influence teenagers to drink?

Meow:  The Deadly High
Should meow be made illegal in the UK?

The Facts:
Meow is sold as plant food or pond cleaner on the internet and is described as not being for human consumption.

It was made illegal in several countries due to growing evidence of health risks, including a reported cause of death.

Meow produces euphoria, alertness, talkativeness and feelings of empathy, but can also cause anxiety and paranoid states and risks over stimulating the heart and circulation.

Possible Investigation:
  • Interview with experts to find out the long term effects of the drug
  • Talk to users of the drug to find out why they take it
  • Find out how easy it is to purchase on the internet
  • Interview with the police to find out their views on the drug